Social Politics

The section creates meeting places for sociopolitical discourse, theoretical confrontation, debates on local political developments, and social movements.

The central aspect in the sociopolitical section is the book presentation series "Debating.Society" and the conference series "Konferenz für praktische Kritik". In Debating.Society a current book on acute or forgotten political topics is presented every month. Every year the conferences go through a critical examination of their large-scale political concept.

Social Politics


Social Politics


Social Politics Project-archive
Social Politics Series-archive

Social pedagogue, lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt and PhD student at the University of Graz. She is part of various political collectives in Graz and has done discoursive and activist work and organised events on various socio-political topics. (Photo: Lena Prehal)

Sara T. Huber
Spartenbeautragte Gesellschaftspolitik ab 2021

Sara T. Huber