
Architecture is many things and yet only one of many – a vast field. A field that the architecture program of the Forum Stadtpark has been navigating since its very beginning, sometimes loudly, sometimes not. Concentrated on discourse, exhibitions, and cooperation and searching for interfaces with other artistic and thematic fields over the past eight years. We did not retreat back into local contexts, but try to approach them from the outside. It became a way of going towards and coming near what has engulfed so many and much. Besides in-house productions the architecture program also supports other individuals in the field as well as architecture initiatives.

Architecture is not an island. It only comes to be through collaboration, through exchange and through a collective will. It can never be realized, financed, or achieved by a single entity, as so many different forces and interests push and pull it. Yet why define architecture? Why not just let it be what it can be – protection, space, material, program, view, insight, public, private, model, protagonist, surface, place, platform, roof, home, consensus, sum, city, economic, ecological, political, pragmatic, form, function, conflict, stance, construction, system, element, squanderer, offer, resource …

With events such as the architecture film program “Architecture in Series”, exhibitions such as the world exhibition, and regular talks on materials and resources the architecture program at the Forum Stadtpark produces a high frequency and daily stream that is not based on passing spikes, but on continuity.

Past collaborations/guests in the architecture program: Michael Palm, LAMA, agencyinbiosphere,, TD Theo Deutinger, INSTITUT für ALLTAGSFORSCHUNG, Oper Dynamo West, off architecture, Joost Meuwissen, Institut für Raumgestaltung, TU Graz, Club Hybrid, Bernd Vlay, Miniform, Lendlabor, Dietmar Steiner, 4AM Forum for Architecture and Media , Andreas Rumpfhuber, Christina Werner, Christoph Szalay, Clara Wildberger, in your face architects, Offener Betrieb, TU Graz, IAM, IfrG, ISMG, i_w, AKK, GAM, FH Joanneum, HAWK Hildesheim, Universalmuseum Joanneum Kunsthaus, materialnomaden, zweintopf, Maschinenmusik, La Gorke, HDA, Urban Future Bar, among others.





Architecture Project-archive
Architecture Series-archive

Since 2010 projects in public space with oiXplorer and exhibitions/publications with studio cake. Studied architecture/design in Germany and the USA. Assistantships with Julie Mehretu, Peter Eisenman, volume magazine, baunetz, TU Graz and guest editor of GAM#13 spatial expeditions.

Claudia Gerhäusser
Spartenbeautragte Architektur bis 2021

Claudia Gerhäusser

*1981 in Banjaluka SFRY. Independent architectural theorist, cultural worker and utopian. Studied architecture and philosophy in Graz, Venice and Delft and worked at the akk of TU Graz and ESALA Edinburgh. She leads the project Grazotopia (Cultural Year 2020) and works for CITY<>HOSPITAL (cultural association f.act).

Ana Jeinić
Spartenbeauftragte Architektur

Ana Jeinić