
Based on performative art, the performance section develops and presents different, often cross-disciplinary formats in the context of the interdisciplinary practice of FORUM STADTPARK.

The thematic focus varies depending on the project, but the focus is always on a search for innovative, theatrical modes of expression that correspond to the content. This happens in the house's own productions but also in cooperation with external artists.

Program 2021
In addition to in-house productions such as the Audiofile series "Forum mit System" and the series – The Heat of Performance, there will also be numerous guest events this year, such as Daniel Dujenis' performance entitled "Eine Hommage an Alfred Kolleritsch", or the Planetenparty Prinzip, with its interactive play format "Hamsterkäfig".
The performance section aims to network and promote artistic exchange between artists in Graz and beyond. The focus is on a programme that aims to generate new audiences through its love of experimentation and build on the familiar.

Guests 2021
Daniel Doujenis
The Planet Party Principle
Hofmann and Krammer Law Firm
Philipp Streicher
Monika Klengel
Josef Klammer
Emmy Steiner
Alexander Deutinger
Rainer Brunnauer
Katharina Lehner
Sandy Lopicic
Andrea Meschnik
Julia Gräfner





Performance Project-archive
Performance Series-archive

Since 2006 performer in numerous productions at TaO!, Mezzanin Theatre, Forum Stadtpark, La Strada and the Planeten Party Prinzip. Theatre pedagogical training at TaO! 2012-14. 2017 dance and performance training at ImPulsTanz. Art Space Scholarship Holder of the Province of Styria 2017/2018. Since 2019 responsible for the performance section.

Victoria Fux
Spartenbeautragte Performance

Victoria Fux